Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 10, 2011 -- The "Knits" of Life

Well, I arrived home after a wonderful weekend with my grandparents. They are so funny and really interesting to be around.

One of the things that I "picked up" while I was there was the ability to knit! Let me tell you, it is complicated, but once you get it, it just comes. I started knitting around two in the afternoon on Saturday and didn't put it down till near one in the morning on Sunday.

That is my grandma, Grami, holding the first thing I ever knit!

After church on Sunday, we went to the local Michael's and I bought some yarn, because, of course by then, I already had about five people ask me to knit them scarves. I figure it is good practice for when I have kids. It will become my summer project -- they can have a new scarf, mits, and hat every fall and they can choose their color of yarn! Ha! That will be the day...

Anyway, I started a scarf Sunday afternoon and I worked on it all afternoon, all evening (even on the plane back to San Diego). It was fun! I'm including some pics of my first projects so you can see how well I'm doing...It's not perfect, but I'm pretty proud of myself!

This is when I first started about three o'clock in the afternoon.

This was how far along it came by about six thirty!

And, this is where I was at last night when I went to bed about one o'clock am.

Coming away from my grandparents was hard. They are getting older and it kills me to think that this time might have been the last time I see them. Of course, I pray that isn't the case. But, nonetheless, it was hard to come home and get right into the swing of things.

It was a hard day today. Realizing that a bunch of my friends are back at school and I'm not going back and, not only that, but I don't know anything about where I'm going to be next week. There is so much to do between now and then and it's getting to be a little overwhelming, but maybe I'm just getting too worked up about it.

But then, I came across this quote, and I realized/remembered, where my mind and thoughts need to be. The quote says, "Whether you're pushing a stroller or a grocery cart or an aluminum walker, whether you are single, married, or a widow, whether your challenge is eight children or no children, whether life has you nursing children with measles, a husband with cancer, or your own osteoporosis, your life counts--counts mightily--as you face its challenges with a heart full of devotion to God." Liz George

My life counts! I'm over here worried about these little things in life until I remembered that its OK! And, as I've mentioned before, Philippians 4:6-7 promises that if I go to the Lord with my anxiety and requests, He will grant me His peace that passes understanding and guard my heart and mind.

Of course, this all came to me while I was knitting. And, it made me think, each of these rows are like years in my life and each stitch is a different event, and when I devote my time to knitting it, similarly to how I should devote my time to the Lord, in the end, even though there may be a few ugly, hole-y patches, it will be a beautiful piece of work that counts!

And, I will say to my family and to those around me that they are all part of the "knits" of life.
Have a great week!

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