Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15, 2011 -- Adios San Diego

There is not much to say except, "Thank you, Jesus, for such beautiful weather the past few days!"

I have been so blessed on my last weekend at home to have eighty degree weather, warm winds, lots of sunshine, and a beautiful day on Coronado "Island".

This is the Coronado Bridge!

What a fantastic way to end the trip home. We rented bikes, excuse me, Surries (four person bikes), that were really fun. But, we did find it to be tiring. My cousin Kendra and I worked our little quads like crazy to get that little bike where we had to go!
This is me on the Surrey.
The nice thing about Coronado is that you get a beautiful view of the city. Of course, everyone knows that San Diego is the greatest city in the World. But, that's just common fact...

"Ah, San Diago. Drink it up, it always goes down smooth!" Ron Burgundy

The point of this post is really just a way for me to express how this past week has been a challenge. Once again, I am packing up my belongings, and heading out, except this trip will be much more challenging as it will push me out of my comfort zone.

I have found that I while I am super excited, I am getting nervous--for the trip, meeting new people, finding my internship, getting settled, finding where everything is...the list goes on.

Of course, I have to continue to remain in prayer as my thoughts and anxiousness want to take me away! I have everything settled, my mom has been a great help to me, and I'm really ready to get going on to something new...

Please continue to pray that the Lord would give me peace, and His strength to endure Monday! I'll attempt to blog sometime next week, but until then, Adios San Diego...Hello Chicago!

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