Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7, 2011 -- How the Time Flies

It's crazy how fast time goes when you're havin' fun! I don't know that I can honestly say that time in Eureka, CA flies...but I'm having fun at least.

For those of you that didn't know, I'm in Eureka, California visiting my dad's parents. They have lived here for a number of years and I don't get the opportunity to see them often. Likewise, they aren't able to travel like they used to and therefore, they don't see me as often as they would like. So, for the weekend, I was able to come up and see them.

But, isn't it amazing how fast time really does fly. I mean, it just seems like a month ago that I moved to California from Pennsylvania and about a week ago I started high school, and yesterday I went to college. And, now, I'm getting ready to finish my last semester...doesn't seem possible.

I am keenly aware of how quickly time flies especially here with my grandparents. They are full of stories from when they were "kids", from when their kids were kids, and from when I was a kid. I just turned 22 and it almost seems like forever ago that me and my cousins were running around.

I remember feeling, when I was younger, that time couldn't go fast enough. Now, time goes so fast, I am always wanting to go back and do something again. And yet, I'm so anxious and excited for the future and all that it holds...

Wow. Why is it that we are never content in the present? We are always looking behind, complaining we can't go back and "do it again". And, we find ourselves straining towards what is ahead, trying to get to the next phase of life.

Seeing my grandparents in their old-er age makes me wish I had had more time with them in the past, it also makes me wish I had more time in the future. Who knows how long they will be around. But, maybe instead of looking behind and thinking ahead, I should just enjoy this special time I have right now; savoring every moment with them.

Of course that was my plan the whole time, but I just thought I'd share this little thought that was on my heart. They already went to bed tonight, and as many of us are wrapped up in the craziness of life, maybe we have an opportunity everyday to just take a moment and thank the Lord for the time we are in right now. It may not be the "season" we want it to be, but He has given it to us regardless and we are still called to be in it and give glory and honor to His name through it.

Because, after all, the time flies, and before you know it, we'll be whispering goodbye to this world and entering the next. Enjoy the time you have here...

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