Monday, December 27, 2010

December 27, 2010 -- Resolutions

Merry Christmas to all. Well, it's over now, but hopefully you had a fantastic Christmas. It's always surprising to me how much people look forward to Christmas. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. But, that's just me, I love Thanksgiving and Easter most. I find that those holidays hold a special place, almost more than Christmas.

Now, if you know me and you read that, of course you are saying in your head, "Michelle, the only reason you like Thanksgiving is because it is by your birthday." And, to an extent that is true, although, now after this year, I feel so incredibly old that I barely told people it was my birthday ha! (But just in case you were reading this today, its my 1/12ths birthday! Happy Birthday to me!)

The reason I celebrate my birthday every month is because I want to find something to be thankful for. In a sense, I am thankful that I have had another month to praise the Lord, glorify, honor, and serve His name. Of course, I'm not perfect, but why wouldn't you praise Him for giving you another month. And, it is a celebration of the fact that you are one month closer to meeting Him. I mean honestly, can you not wait to hear the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant"? I'm excited!

Regardless, Thanksgiving is overlooked, Halloween is over, Christmas begins and the National Holiday of Thanksgiving is overlooked. I'm really just trying to give it the credit it deserves! ;)

But, as we look to the end of the calendar year, we think about all that has gone on this past year and what we have to look forward to next year. It's a bittersweet time. Leaving behind the memories and things that happened and looking at what is ahead.

I know for me the future holds a lot of unknowns. And, for most of my friends, I think they would probably say something very similar. In just a few short months, I will graduate. I don't have to think about school, which is weird because for the past I don't know how long, that is what I thought about.

In addition, the New Year brings other unknowns: where will I end up? Will my family be OK? Where will I work? What is graduation going to be like? Lots of other questions too, but for the most part, I think a lot about things like this.

Most people have all kinds of questions regarding the New Year. And, as we look to the year past, and to the year ahead, we begin to get quite wrapped up in it all. Coming off of Christmas and rushing into the New Year, are we working to leave God room to work?

This morning, I was laying in bed, thinking. I have so much to do. I have so many things on my mind. I am getting stressed. What will Chicago be like? Will I make friends? Will I be ready to go? How am I going to finish everything around my house that needs to be done? Is everything going to be OK?

Through all of this, I remembered two things, first, the Lord put Psalm 46:10 on my heart. "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." The words, "Be still, and know that I am God," continued to resonate within me.

And, as soon as I had allowed my heart to be quiet and still. I remembered one of my other favorite verses, Philippians 4:4-9, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or hear from me, or seen in me--put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."

Many of us are headed for uncharted waters, however, when we are still, and know, and present with thanksgiving our requests to the Lord, He will guard us, protect us, and give us His peace. That is a gift and a wonderful thing to be excited about.

I'm awful with resolutions, I never know what to say. Of course there are things I want to work on, but, do they need to be resolutions? I'm sure my friends and family could come up with hundreds of things they think I need to work on, and most of them are probably fairly warranted.

Most of all, my resolution has been and continues to be, a desire to dig deep and grow further into the Lord. Developing my spiritual life is more important, in some ways, than my physical life. Although, don't get me wrong, I still am aiming to do my best and honor and glorify the Lord in all I do, spiritual or physical.

So, until I figure out more clearly the direction of my life, or my spiritual goals, or my silly New Year's Resolutions, I will remain "still" and know that God is God.

Enjoy your day in service to the most High King!

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 19, 2010 -- Rain, Rain, Go Away

Rain, Rain, Go Away, Come again another day...

Those words seem to be on my mind lately as it has done nothing but rain since I got home on Friday night. What happened to the California sun we are supposed to have all the time?!

Since being home, I have done about 7 loads of laundry (and somehow, more seems to keep coming), I have unpacked, but not everything (its hard to find places to put everything!), and I have seen a few friends (but not really for the amount of time I would like).

Time seems to fly and I feel like I am trying to get everything accomplished. Something that got my attention the other day when I was talking to my mom was this idea of using all my time to glorify and honor the Lord. Of course I've heard her say that a thousand times, and every time I'm just like, "Yeah, Mom. I know. Redeem my time as unto the Lord." But wow! What a thought. I think about all the time in the day that I "waste" and how I don't always redeem my time. I'm kinda lazy...

As I sat in church tonight, I ran across this verse from Isaiah 55:10-11. It says, "As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is My word that goes out of My mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

Am I seizing every opportunity to be the Lord's mouthpiece and to take His word to the ends of the earth, to encourage and make disciples of all nations? Am I using this time, even in the rain, to be a vessel that is working to water the earth, and His people, in order that they may bud and flourish? But, in addition to using this verse as a charge for me to go forward, it caused me to think more seriously about if I was taking the time to allow the Holy Spirit to move and work in me; to fill me up with more of Him? This verse reminded me that His word is always working, even as it was working in me when I read it.

Of course, in many ways I am, but that doesn't mean that in this time--in this season of life--that I cannot be fed so that His word may not come back empty, but also take His word, even to those in my life who are doing well.

I realized that this break, is a time for me to learn to redeem my time, to grow and develop myself, to be fed by the Holy Spirit and replenished (even in this rainy week) and to be fully charged to take His word and light to Chicago in just a short month.

So, for now, Rain, Rain, Go Away, but I pray that the Lord continues to "Reign" in my life and that He would fill me so that His word may not come back to Him empty.

Blessings on your week!

Friday, December 17, 2010

December 17, 2010 -- Home At Last

Got an early start this morning. Leaving Gallup at 7:45am and headed for Flagstaff, the roads were clear and there was no snow or any ice! (Thank goodness!) The New Mexico landscape was beautiful and picture perfect. It was almost as though someone had sprinkled powdered sugar all over the whole terrain.

Flagstaff, too, was snow covered and beautiful. I haven't been through there before, but it is full of the most beautiful trees! And, it was a little sunny here an there, and then we would drive into a fog bank or low clouds and it was really cool looking.

A lot of the people I was texting today were unaware that it snows in these southern states. It really does snow in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and California! Just in case ya'll were wondering, here is a picture from a National Park in Arizona; just past Flagstaff, but before the border to California.

After making the final decent down I-15 through Barstow and into Southern California, we hit a ton of rain/fog that both mom and I said was worse than anything we had seen here before. The visibility was very bad and there was a ton of traffic. This picture shows how the traffic wove around, like a ribbon, bumper to bumper, for miles. It was raining, foggy, and getting dark, so it is not super easy to see, but just so you get an idea:

Both mom and I are praising the Lord we made it home safe and sound! It was a long trip, but we are happy now. Sadly, we got home to the water heater not working...does anyone know someone who could come fix it tomorrow for us? That would be much appreciated!

I'm happily reporting this from my nice warm bed! Thank you to those of you who were prayer warriors for me and mom! We really appreciate it!

Most of all, we are thankful to be Home At Last!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 16, 2010 -- Gallup Away!

After a long and tiring day of driving, we finally made it to Gallup, New Mexico. In an effort to get home quickly, this trip has been everything BUT quick.

We started this morning just outside of Denver, CO. The roads were fantastic as we made the decent down into central and southeast Colorado. However, after entering New Mexico, we hit the most crazy snow and ice. It seemed to have come out of nowhere and because of the long "treacherous" drive, we decided to stay in Gallup and wait till morning for better weather and more energy.

The next stop: San Diego. Of course, the goal would be to get an early start, get through Flagstaff, and then make it home by early evening.

Needless to say, and, as I've said all week since last Saturday, THIS WEEK HAS NOT GONE HOW I PLANNED IT WOULD GO!

But, what can you do except slow down, take a breath, and thank the Lord that we are still safe and sound!

I am looking forward to:
  1. Being in my own bed!
  2. Having a greater ability to plan my meals and eat healthier.
  3. Start working out and not sitting in my car!
  4. Cleaning my car!
  5. Unpacking my car and sorting through all my clothes and things.
  6. Playing my piano.
  7. Sleeping!
  8. Seeing family and friends!
  9. Getting ready to go to Chicago.
  10. Helping my mom out around the house.
Goodnight Gallup!