Friday, December 17, 2010

December 17, 2010 -- Home At Last

Got an early start this morning. Leaving Gallup at 7:45am and headed for Flagstaff, the roads were clear and there was no snow or any ice! (Thank goodness!) The New Mexico landscape was beautiful and picture perfect. It was almost as though someone had sprinkled powdered sugar all over the whole terrain.

Flagstaff, too, was snow covered and beautiful. I haven't been through there before, but it is full of the most beautiful trees! And, it was a little sunny here an there, and then we would drive into a fog bank or low clouds and it was really cool looking.

A lot of the people I was texting today were unaware that it snows in these southern states. It really does snow in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and California! Just in case ya'll were wondering, here is a picture from a National Park in Arizona; just past Flagstaff, but before the border to California.

After making the final decent down I-15 through Barstow and into Southern California, we hit a ton of rain/fog that both mom and I said was worse than anything we had seen here before. The visibility was very bad and there was a ton of traffic. This picture shows how the traffic wove around, like a ribbon, bumper to bumper, for miles. It was raining, foggy, and getting dark, so it is not super easy to see, but just so you get an idea:

Both mom and I are praising the Lord we made it home safe and sound! It was a long trip, but we are happy now. Sadly, we got home to the water heater not working...does anyone know someone who could come fix it tomorrow for us? That would be much appreciated!

I'm happily reporting this from my nice warm bed! Thank you to those of you who were prayer warriors for me and mom! We really appreciate it!

Most of all, we are thankful to be Home At Last!

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