Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 16, 2010 -- Gallup Away!

After a long and tiring day of driving, we finally made it to Gallup, New Mexico. In an effort to get home quickly, this trip has been everything BUT quick.

We started this morning just outside of Denver, CO. The roads were fantastic as we made the decent down into central and southeast Colorado. However, after entering New Mexico, we hit the most crazy snow and ice. It seemed to have come out of nowhere and because of the long "treacherous" drive, we decided to stay in Gallup and wait till morning for better weather and more energy.

The next stop: San Diego. Of course, the goal would be to get an early start, get through Flagstaff, and then make it home by early evening.

Needless to say, and, as I've said all week since last Saturday, THIS WEEK HAS NOT GONE HOW I PLANNED IT WOULD GO!

But, what can you do except slow down, take a breath, and thank the Lord that we are still safe and sound!

I am looking forward to:
  1. Being in my own bed!
  2. Having a greater ability to plan my meals and eat healthier.
  3. Start working out and not sitting in my car!
  4. Cleaning my car!
  5. Unpacking my car and sorting through all my clothes and things.
  6. Playing my piano.
  7. Sleeping!
  8. Seeing family and friends!
  9. Getting ready to go to Chicago.
  10. Helping my mom out around the house.
Goodnight Gallup!

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