Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2, 2011 -- Walkin' On Water

We decided to venture out today and walk to the Lake. Here are a few pics of what we encountered... Enjoy!

These are the waves. They were completely frozen over. We were probably about 100 feet out from the beach or so...

These are the little ladder things that help you get from the cement onto the beach or into the water. To be honest, I'm not really sure...

This is looking out onto the Lake. It was pretty ominous...

This is Lake Shore Drive. It was officially closed last night. There were over 1,000 cars that were stranded out there last night...

These were some cars on a side street by our apartment...

Here we are walking on the water. It was very fun to be out there walking around and to think there had been a storm there just a few hours before and we were walking over something so beautiful and icy...

It was amazing to really see how God works even in the storm and the "Blizzard of '11"! He is mighty and great! Hope you enjoyed the pics we caught! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1, 2011 -- The Blizzard of '11

Well, I apologize that it has been so incredibly long since I have written. I have been busy and there is so much to fill you all in on. While I cannot and don't want to bore you with every little detail, I can give you some of the big ideas and facts to bring you up to speed.

View from my hotel window during the first week. 

I arrived in Chicago two weeks ago, and I have been going ever since. I found two roommates that go to Calvin, went on three interviews, selected an internship, and started TODAY! I moved into my apartment last week Saturday. This past weekend, I had the privilege of going to Grand Rapids to visit my roommate from Dordt who is student teaching, so that was fun!

Beyond that, I got an internship at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. I am working on some PR/Marketing/Communications "stuff" for their Money Smart Week Campaign. It is great! Although, I only worked today.

They ended up sending everyone home early and closing the bank tomorrow because of the snow. I can't believe the weather here...I mean, whoever thought I wouldn't make it here obviously doesn't know what it's like to live in Northwest Iowa. Iowa is one hundred times worse than Chicago!

Anyway, the biggest thing on the news (everywhere) is that we have this huge blizzard going through. Of course, it's the biggest storm since the storm of '67. While I don't find it to be any big deal (Iowa prepared me well) it is a big deal for everyone in the city. People are stalking up on batteries, water, food, candles, etc. I smile and kinda laugh a little.

I don't really know what to think about the people that are obviously very concerned. I suppose it can be overwhelming. But, what it did bring to mind were a few things. First, what a great opportunity to do what the Psalmist says. "Be still and know that I AM God." The city is literally at a stand still. People are panicked in a sense and don't know what to expect in the future. But, this brings me to the second thing that I thought of. Psalm 46 says, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging." 

Needless to say, in the chaos and confusion of the area and the snow, we have no need to fear because God is our ever-present help in trouble.  So, even though we are in the midst of making history, we have no reason to fear!

Enjoy the rest of your week, and I'll just be here in Chicago, making history with the Blizzard of '11.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15, 2011 -- Adios San Diego

There is not much to say except, "Thank you, Jesus, for such beautiful weather the past few days!"

I have been so blessed on my last weekend at home to have eighty degree weather, warm winds, lots of sunshine, and a beautiful day on Coronado "Island".

This is the Coronado Bridge!

What a fantastic way to end the trip home. We rented bikes, excuse me, Surries (four person bikes), that were really fun. But, we did find it to be tiring. My cousin Kendra and I worked our little quads like crazy to get that little bike where we had to go!
This is me on the Surrey.
The nice thing about Coronado is that you get a beautiful view of the city. Of course, everyone knows that San Diego is the greatest city in the World. But, that's just common fact...

"Ah, San Diago. Drink it up, it always goes down smooth!" Ron Burgundy

The point of this post is really just a way for me to express how this past week has been a challenge. Once again, I am packing up my belongings, and heading out, except this trip will be much more challenging as it will push me out of my comfort zone.

I have found that I while I am super excited, I am getting nervous--for the trip, meeting new people, finding my internship, getting settled, finding where everything is...the list goes on.

Of course, I have to continue to remain in prayer as my thoughts and anxiousness want to take me away! I have everything settled, my mom has been a great help to me, and I'm really ready to get going on to something new...

Please continue to pray that the Lord would give me peace, and His strength to endure Monday! I'll attempt to blog sometime next week, but until then, Adios San Diego...Hello Chicago!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 10, 2011 -- The "Knits" of Life

Well, I arrived home after a wonderful weekend with my grandparents. They are so funny and really interesting to be around.

One of the things that I "picked up" while I was there was the ability to knit! Let me tell you, it is complicated, but once you get it, it just comes. I started knitting around two in the afternoon on Saturday and didn't put it down till near one in the morning on Sunday.

That is my grandma, Grami, holding the first thing I ever knit!

After church on Sunday, we went to the local Michael's and I bought some yarn, because, of course by then, I already had about five people ask me to knit them scarves. I figure it is good practice for when I have kids. It will become my summer project -- they can have a new scarf, mits, and hat every fall and they can choose their color of yarn! Ha! That will be the day...

Anyway, I started a scarf Sunday afternoon and I worked on it all afternoon, all evening (even on the plane back to San Diego). It was fun! I'm including some pics of my first projects so you can see how well I'm doing...It's not perfect, but I'm pretty proud of myself!

This is when I first started about three o'clock in the afternoon.

This was how far along it came by about six thirty!

And, this is where I was at last night when I went to bed about one o'clock am.

Coming away from my grandparents was hard. They are getting older and it kills me to think that this time might have been the last time I see them. Of course, I pray that isn't the case. But, nonetheless, it was hard to come home and get right into the swing of things.

It was a hard day today. Realizing that a bunch of my friends are back at school and I'm not going back and, not only that, but I don't know anything about where I'm going to be next week. There is so much to do between now and then and it's getting to be a little overwhelming, but maybe I'm just getting too worked up about it.

But then, I came across this quote, and I realized/remembered, where my mind and thoughts need to be. The quote says, "Whether you're pushing a stroller or a grocery cart or an aluminum walker, whether you are single, married, or a widow, whether your challenge is eight children or no children, whether life has you nursing children with measles, a husband with cancer, or your own osteoporosis, your life counts--counts mightily--as you face its challenges with a heart full of devotion to God." Liz George

My life counts! I'm over here worried about these little things in life until I remembered that its OK! And, as I've mentioned before, Philippians 4:6-7 promises that if I go to the Lord with my anxiety and requests, He will grant me His peace that passes understanding and guard my heart and mind.

Of course, this all came to me while I was knitting. And, it made me think, each of these rows are like years in my life and each stitch is a different event, and when I devote my time to knitting it, similarly to how I should devote my time to the Lord, in the end, even though there may be a few ugly, hole-y patches, it will be a beautiful piece of work that counts!

And, I will say to my family and to those around me that they are all part of the "knits" of life.
Have a great week!

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7, 2011 -- How the Time Flies

It's crazy how fast time goes when you're havin' fun! I don't know that I can honestly say that time in Eureka, CA flies...but I'm having fun at least.

For those of you that didn't know, I'm in Eureka, California visiting my dad's parents. They have lived here for a number of years and I don't get the opportunity to see them often. Likewise, they aren't able to travel like they used to and therefore, they don't see me as often as they would like. So, for the weekend, I was able to come up and see them.

But, isn't it amazing how fast time really does fly. I mean, it just seems like a month ago that I moved to California from Pennsylvania and about a week ago I started high school, and yesterday I went to college. And, now, I'm getting ready to finish my last semester...doesn't seem possible.

I am keenly aware of how quickly time flies especially here with my grandparents. They are full of stories from when they were "kids", from when their kids were kids, and from when I was a kid. I just turned 22 and it almost seems like forever ago that me and my cousins were running around.

I remember feeling, when I was younger, that time couldn't go fast enough. Now, time goes so fast, I am always wanting to go back and do something again. And yet, I'm so anxious and excited for the future and all that it holds...

Wow. Why is it that we are never content in the present? We are always looking behind, complaining we can't go back and "do it again". And, we find ourselves straining towards what is ahead, trying to get to the next phase of life.

Seeing my grandparents in their old-er age makes me wish I had had more time with them in the past, it also makes me wish I had more time in the future. Who knows how long they will be around. But, maybe instead of looking behind and thinking ahead, I should just enjoy this special time I have right now; savoring every moment with them.

Of course that was my plan the whole time, but I just thought I'd share this little thought that was on my heart. They already went to bed tonight, and as many of us are wrapped up in the craziness of life, maybe we have an opportunity everyday to just take a moment and thank the Lord for the time we are in right now. It may not be the "season" we want it to be, but He has given it to us regardless and we are still called to be in it and give glory and honor to His name through it.

Because, after all, the time flies, and before you know it, we'll be whispering goodbye to this world and entering the next. Enjoy the time you have here...

Monday, December 27, 2010

December 27, 2010 -- Resolutions

Merry Christmas to all. Well, it's over now, but hopefully you had a fantastic Christmas. It's always surprising to me how much people look forward to Christmas. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. But, that's just me, I love Thanksgiving and Easter most. I find that those holidays hold a special place, almost more than Christmas.

Now, if you know me and you read that, of course you are saying in your head, "Michelle, the only reason you like Thanksgiving is because it is by your birthday." And, to an extent that is true, although, now after this year, I feel so incredibly old that I barely told people it was my birthday ha! (But just in case you were reading this today, its my 1/12ths birthday! Happy Birthday to me!)

The reason I celebrate my birthday every month is because I want to find something to be thankful for. In a sense, I am thankful that I have had another month to praise the Lord, glorify, honor, and serve His name. Of course, I'm not perfect, but why wouldn't you praise Him for giving you another month. And, it is a celebration of the fact that you are one month closer to meeting Him. I mean honestly, can you not wait to hear the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant"? I'm excited!

Regardless, Thanksgiving is overlooked, Halloween is over, Christmas begins and the National Holiday of Thanksgiving is overlooked. I'm really just trying to give it the credit it deserves! ;)

But, as we look to the end of the calendar year, we think about all that has gone on this past year and what we have to look forward to next year. It's a bittersweet time. Leaving behind the memories and things that happened and looking at what is ahead.

I know for me the future holds a lot of unknowns. And, for most of my friends, I think they would probably say something very similar. In just a few short months, I will graduate. I don't have to think about school, which is weird because for the past I don't know how long, that is what I thought about.

In addition, the New Year brings other unknowns: where will I end up? Will my family be OK? Where will I work? What is graduation going to be like? Lots of other questions too, but for the most part, I think a lot about things like this.

Most people have all kinds of questions regarding the New Year. And, as we look to the year past, and to the year ahead, we begin to get quite wrapped up in it all. Coming off of Christmas and rushing into the New Year, are we working to leave God room to work?

This morning, I was laying in bed, thinking. I have so much to do. I have so many things on my mind. I am getting stressed. What will Chicago be like? Will I make friends? Will I be ready to go? How am I going to finish everything around my house that needs to be done? Is everything going to be OK?

Through all of this, I remembered two things, first, the Lord put Psalm 46:10 on my heart. "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." The words, "Be still, and know that I am God," continued to resonate within me.

And, as soon as I had allowed my heart to be quiet and still. I remembered one of my other favorite verses, Philippians 4:4-9, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or hear from me, or seen in me--put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."

Many of us are headed for uncharted waters, however, when we are still, and know, and present with thanksgiving our requests to the Lord, He will guard us, protect us, and give us His peace. That is a gift and a wonderful thing to be excited about.

I'm awful with resolutions, I never know what to say. Of course there are things I want to work on, but, do they need to be resolutions? I'm sure my friends and family could come up with hundreds of things they think I need to work on, and most of them are probably fairly warranted.

Most of all, my resolution has been and continues to be, a desire to dig deep and grow further into the Lord. Developing my spiritual life is more important, in some ways, than my physical life. Although, don't get me wrong, I still am aiming to do my best and honor and glorify the Lord in all I do, spiritual or physical.

So, until I figure out more clearly the direction of my life, or my spiritual goals, or my silly New Year's Resolutions, I will remain "still" and know that God is God.

Enjoy your day in service to the most High King!

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 19, 2010 -- Rain, Rain, Go Away

Rain, Rain, Go Away, Come again another day...

Those words seem to be on my mind lately as it has done nothing but rain since I got home on Friday night. What happened to the California sun we are supposed to have all the time?!

Since being home, I have done about 7 loads of laundry (and somehow, more seems to keep coming), I have unpacked, but not everything (its hard to find places to put everything!), and I have seen a few friends (but not really for the amount of time I would like).

Time seems to fly and I feel like I am trying to get everything accomplished. Something that got my attention the other day when I was talking to my mom was this idea of using all my time to glorify and honor the Lord. Of course I've heard her say that a thousand times, and every time I'm just like, "Yeah, Mom. I know. Redeem my time as unto the Lord." But wow! What a thought. I think about all the time in the day that I "waste" and how I don't always redeem my time. I'm kinda lazy...

As I sat in church tonight, I ran across this verse from Isaiah 55:10-11. It says, "As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is My word that goes out of My mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

Am I seizing every opportunity to be the Lord's mouthpiece and to take His word to the ends of the earth, to encourage and make disciples of all nations? Am I using this time, even in the rain, to be a vessel that is working to water the earth, and His people, in order that they may bud and flourish? But, in addition to using this verse as a charge for me to go forward, it caused me to think more seriously about if I was taking the time to allow the Holy Spirit to move and work in me; to fill me up with more of Him? This verse reminded me that His word is always working, even as it was working in me when I read it.

Of course, in many ways I am, but that doesn't mean that in this time--in this season of life--that I cannot be fed so that His word may not come back empty, but also take His word, even to those in my life who are doing well.

I realized that this break, is a time for me to learn to redeem my time, to grow and develop myself, to be fed by the Holy Spirit and replenished (even in this rainy week) and to be fully charged to take His word and light to Chicago in just a short month.

So, for now, Rain, Rain, Go Away, but I pray that the Lord continues to "Reign" in my life and that He would fill me so that His word may not come back to Him empty.

Blessings on your week!